Non-emergency Patient Transport Services
Non-emergency Patient Transport services (NEPTS) take patients who are frail or need specialist assistance to and from appointments at hospitals, treatment centres and other similar facilities. NEPTS provide transport to premises used by the providers of care commissioned by the NHS, including: treatment, outpatient appointments, or diagnostic services. However NEPTS do not provide transport to GP appointments, dental appointments, A&E attendances, or journeys to walk-in centres or minor injuries units.
The current provider of NEPTS in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is the East of England Ambulance Service.
Am I eligible for transport?
To find out if you or a family member is eligible for patient transport, please contact the relevant number below. Please answer all questions we ask as accurately as possible, this helps us to assess whether you are eligible for transport.
Cambridge: 0345 6038117
Patient line for transport: 0845 603 8117
Monday to Friday 8am - 6.30pm